Learn German with
real-life Dialogues

... and start speaking REAL German like a Native!

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ENROLL NOW (A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels available)


"The course it so complete that my cousin that studied primary and high school in the German college of Mexico City, told me that I have learned in four months all he learned in his first five years in school." - Jorge D.


"You really helped me to remember a lot of things and start being confident again by using German. The structure of the lessons, the chunks and the flashcard made learning German easier and I really enjoyed the experience" - Stella E.


"The dialogues are unbelievable! The characters are very well done. The story is interesting and engaging. The technology and materials are easy to follow. I can't say enough good things:)" - Max H.

Our 10-week German Agenda

We designed the programme so that you can complete it within 10 weeks, but you can take as long as you need to complete the lessons as you get lifetime access to all course material.

Click to view the A1 Curriculum

Week 1: In the Plane & at the Airport ✈️

  • How to introduce yourself & how to say goodbye
  • Important sentences for German beginners
  • The German alphabet and numbers
  • Learn how to ask questions and give answers in German

Week 2: In the Taxi & Hotel 🚕 🏨

  • When and how to be formal or informal in Germany
  • How to pay in Germany
  • The German umlauts Ä, Ö, Ü 
  • Important hotel words
  • Learn the German possessive articles ("mein", "dein", "ihr")

Week 3: At the Bakery ☕ 

  • The most important vegetables and fruits
  • How to negotiate and talk about prices
  • How to ask and talk about jobs
  • How to introduce someone
  • Learn how to use the German Plural

Week 4: At the Train Station & In the City 🚉 🌇

  • How to ask for & give directions
  • The different modes of transportation
  • Buying tickets
  • Talking about sights
  • Learn how to use separable verbs

Week 5: In the Restaurant 🍝 

  • Reading German menus
  • How to order in a restaurant
  • How to express favor
  • How to make appointments
  • Learn about the position of the verb in German sentences
    + 1st milestone exam 🏁

Week 6: In the Apartment  🛋️

  • Talking about family & family status
  • Describing and comparing people
  • The numbers 100 to infinity
  • Learn how to negate & intensify German adjectives

Week 7: In the Supermarket 🛒

  • Everything you need to know about German breakfast
  • Important kitchen words
  • Talking about groceries, quantities & packages
  • How to express tastes and preferences
  • Learn how to give commands and instructions in German (imperative)

Week 8: In the German Course 🇩🇪

  • How to tell a story
  • How to give personal information
  • Common German interjections
  • How to use ordinal numbers
  • Learn how to create German past tenses

Week 9: In the Park 🏠 🌳

  • Writing emails & letters in German
  • Using time indications correctly
  • Writing an invitation
  • Talking about hobbies and free time
  • Learn how to connect sentences with "und", "aber" & "denn"

Week 10: In the Clothes Store 👚

  • Talking about clothes
  • Understanding weather forecasts
  • Planning a party
  • Talking about different rules
  • Learn how to use the German dative case

    + Final A1 exam 🏁 

Click to view the A2 Curriculum

Week 1: At the neighbor's 🚪

  • How to ask & talk about family & relationships
  • Ways to respond to invitations
  • Overview of the German perfect tense
  • Learn how to master the two-way prepositions

Week 2: On a Date 🍸

  • How to give compliments in German
  • Master German small talk
  • How to describe people
  • Understand “Denglisch”, a mix of German & English
  • Learn the difference between “das” & “dass”

Week 3: In the Government Building 🏛️

  • Understand the language of the authorities
  • How to understand words in forms & documents
  • German conjunctions like “aber” & “denn”
  • Learn how to use the local prepositions “in”, “zu”, “bei”, “aus” & “von”

Week 4: At Home 🏠

  • Talking about movies (genres)
  •  Learn how to make suggestions with “können”
  • Get to know the most popular German dishes
  • Learn how to read recipes
  • The most important verbs about money

Week 5: At the Concert 🎸

  • Talking about music
  • How to schedule appointments
  • How to call a German customer service
  • How to describe problems on the phone
  • Learn everything about German temporal prepositions like “vor”, “nach” & “in”

    + 1st milestone exam 🏁

Week 6: In the Hospital 🏥

  • Important hospital words
  • Talking about the body and pain levels
  • How to express concerns
  • Learn how to use local prepositions like “an…vorbei” or “gegenüber”

Week 7: Sport at Home 🏋️

  • Talking about sports & exercise
  • How to doubt or reject something
  • Talking about Traveling & Flying
  • How to form “dass” sentences without “dass”
  • Learn how to use reflexive pronouns

Week 8: At the Flea Market 👕

  • How to negotiate prices in German
  • Important flea market words
  • Talking about jewelry
  • Get to know the German adjective endings

Week 9: In the Beer Garden 🍺

  • How to express wishes / desires with “hätte gern” & “würde gern”
  • Talking about the job
  • How to book an accommodation
  • How to rent a car
  • Get to know cardinal directions

Week 10: In the Bank 🏦

  • Get to know important terms in a bank and for opening an account
  • How to indicate account details
  • Get to know exceptional colors
  • How to use the local prepositions “durch”, “entlang”, “gegen”, “um” & “über”

    + Final A2 exam 🏁 

Click to view the B1 Curriculum

Week 1: In the Bank 2 🏦

  • Learn about verbs with prepositions
  • Talking colloquially in German
  • How to use infinitive constructions with "zu"
  • Learn when to use "als" and when to use "wenn"

Week 2: Applying for a job 👩‍💻

  • Learn about the German simple past 
  • Talking about TV and the news
  • How to apply for a job 
  • Writing a CV in German
  • How to form the subjunctive II 

Week 3: On the Autobahn 🚙

  • Important vocabulary about traveling
  • Learn more about Germany and its federal states
  • How to make sentences with "um...zu" and "damit"
  • Understand the n-declension 
  • Get to know relative clauses in the Nominative and Accusative case

Week 4: In the Vacation Apartment 🧳

  • How to swear in German
  • Learn important phrases to complain
  • How to use passive voice
  • Get to know the Genitive prepositions "während", "wegen" and "trotz"
  • Learn more about the peculiar particle "doch" 

Week 5: In the Mountains & In the Brewery ⛰️🍺

  • Learn important words about love and heartache 
  • How to express fear in German
  • How to use adjectives as nouns
  • Get to know relative clauses in the Dative case
  • Learn about the indefinite pronouns "etwas", "nichts", "jemand", "niemand"
    + 1st milestone exam 🏁

Week 6: At the University  🎓🌐

  • Learn important vocabulary about studying and university
  • What to say in a job interview 
  • How to make sentences with the impersonal passive voice with "es"
  • Learn about temporal clauses with "während", "bevor" and "seitdem"

Week 7: On the Street in Berlin 🏘️

  • Learn more about the history of Germany
  • Understand the difference between "machen" and "tun"
  • Important words about the gym and the body
  • How to form and when to use the past perfect (Plusquamperfekt)

Week 8: In the Pharmacy 🖼️💊

  • Important vocabulary about art
  • Describing a picture/painting
  • Learn more about the Genitive case
  • How to use the double conjunctions "zwar... aber" and "weder... noch"

Week 9: In the Kitchen & In the Living Room 👩‍🍳🛋️

  • Talking about babies
  • How to use the subjunctive II in the past tense
  • Learn more about unreal comparative clauses with "als ob"
  • Learn how to form relative clauses with prepositions

Week 10: On the Christmas Market🎄🤶

  • Learn important words about Christmas
  • How to use the relative clauses with "was" and "wo"
  • Get to know verbs with infinitive without "zu" and how to use them
  • Learn more about the verb "lassen"

+ Final B1 exam 🏁 

Click to view the B2 Curriculum

Week 1: In the Motorhome 🚙

  • Important facts about Germany
  • Learn more about the local adverbs ("hin" and "her")
  • How to use the simple past in German  

Week 2: At Madame Tussauds in Berlin 👨‍🦳

  • How to talk about being famous and about famous people
  • Learn more about the Genitive case and the pronouns in the Genitive case

Week 3: Political Institutions in Berlin 🏛️

  • Important expressions about politics 
  • How to intensify and limit general adjectives, comparatives and superlatives
  • Learning more about the passive voice

Week 4: In the Spree Forest 🥒

  • Practise reading about more complex topics in German (Spree Forest history and national minorities in Germany)
  • Learn some German expressions (e.g. "rumgurken")
  • How to use nouns, verbs and adjectives with fixed prepositions

Week 5: Eating German asparagus 🍽️

  • Fun facts about the love for asparagus in Germany
  • Important expressions with the word "goat" in German
  •  More about the relative clauses in German 

+ 1st milestone exam 🏁

Week 6: At the Castle & In the City of Schwerin 🏰

  • Learn more about the city of Schwerin and its beautiful castle
  • How to express temporal information by using adverbs or temporal clauses

Week 7: At the beach on the Baltic Sea 🏄

  • Important vocabulary about the beach
  • How to talk about risk and water sports 
  • Learn more about negation in German

Week 8: In Hamburg 🐟

  • Learn more about the city of Hamburg and its famous sights
  • How to use German suffixes and how they help you determine the right article

Week 9: At the Crazy House in Bispingen 🏠

  • Important phrases and sayings about houses
  • Learn all about the consecutive connectors (e.g. "infolgedessen", "folglich")

Week 10: In Dresden 🏙️ 

  • Learn more about the city of Dresden 
  • Important vocabulary and phrases about teeth
  • How to use causal connectors (e.g. "wegen", "aufgrund")

+ Final B2 exam 🏁 

In Cooperation with this
All-Star Team of German Content Creators:

Learn German with Anja
Radical Living
Deutsch mit Marija
Dein Sprachcoach (Maria)
Easy Going!
Your Daily German
Learn German Easily
Montana Showalter
Feli from Germany
Lerne Deutsch (Steffi)
Easy German
Learn German Fast (Natalia)
Easy Deutsch
Deutsch.Mit (Sofiia)

Let's be honest, German grammar can be a real killer ☠️

Wie traurig - How sad 😞 You've learned some German and you finally get the chance to talk to a native German speaker. Now it's time to make a good impression. So you gather your courage, open your mouth and.... NOTHING comes out. 

I mean, complete silence. You just get stuck with some crazy verb conjugation or a German case that doesn't seem to make any sense at all.

It almost feels like you’re trying to solve some impossible mathematical equation.

That's a pity because you know that speaking German fluently could change your life, right?

What if you could speak German?

Imagine that you will have learned so much German that you can:

  • Go to Germany, step off the plane ✈️ or the train 🚋

  • and you can converse comfortably with Germans in most of the situations you end up in that day

  • You ask a local "Berliner" for directions 🙋‍♀️

  • You buy train tickets, all in German 🇩🇪

  • You arrive at your new apartment 🏠, introduce yourself 💁🏽‍, and instantly make new friends 👬 

  • You go grocery shopping 🥨

In all these situations, you can hold your ground in a real-life conversation in German.

Not without mistakes, of course.

But you know what to expect and what to say, and you understand what others are saying to you.

You can focus on exploring a new country, making friends, and having actual conversations with them, instead of constantly worrying about grammar.

You won’t feel clumsy and you won’t have to translate in your head anymore.

Imagine being able to achieve all this without boring text books and having to learn lots of grammar rules by heart? 

Wouldn't that be cool?

Well, it's possible, here's how:

The 4M-Formula in our German Academy... what you need to become fluent in German:

With this system, you WILL speak German!

How do we know?

Because we've had thousands of students learn German with us in the past few years. Here is what Jen says, for example:


Join my brand new German Academy 2.0!

I’ve partnered up with some of the most popular German content creators to give you a super fun video series. It's perfect for German language learners like you.


Who is this for?

  • YES: The Course is perfect for beginners & upper beginners, pre-intermediate and intermediate students. You get all the dialogues to be able to converse German, AND grammar foundations at A1, A2 or B1 level.

  • YES: If you are at an advanced level, have never learned with chunks before and want to brush up on all your basics (there’s TONS of content in here). In the past, we've had many students go from B1 back to A1 beginner dialogues to learn the chunks from the more "foundational" situations covered in this course.

  •  NO :( : If you are at a very advanced (C1-C2) level already, then the learning materials are probably too easy for you.


Here's everything you'll get in our German Course:

✔ 2 new Units with 6 video lessons per Week

  • We have 20 units, each containing 3 video lessons. In total, that's 60 video lessons.

  • These units cover all foundational grammar for the corresponding level.

  • You get lifetime access to the lessons

  • And you can download and/or print out the materials if you prefer to learn with paper materials or listen to the dialogues in your car.

Easy to use: We show you exactly how to use the materials to get the most out of the course!

A sneak peek inside our course:


 Every lesson comes with:

  • Real-life conversations from native speakers in video form: Watch, learn and have fun! All videos come with subtitles in "German" and in "German-English". You can also adjust the speed of each video.
  • Downloadable audios by native speakers so you can practice your listening skills and learn on the go.
  • An extra downloadable pdf transcript with a parallel translation in English so you don't need to use a dictionary.
  • The most important chunks (useful phrases) are highlighted in the pdf transcript. This way you don't have to search for them yourself!
  • Grammar explanations with each lesson. We cover all the foundational grammar topics.
  • Grammar, Vocabulary Chunk Exercises for each lesson. Finally master German grammar!
  • Flashcard decks for each dialogues. These flashcards contain the relevant chunks in their sentence context and contain native-speaker audio. Available to practice anywhere in a special app for your phone/tablet/computer.

We use the SPACED REPETITION SYSTEM (SRS) in our Flashcards. 

SRS is a learning system that helps people memorize vocabulary in the most efficient way possible. It relies on a principle called “spaced repetition”, which is when you review new information repeatedly with a time interval in between. This allows us to learn quickly and efficiently.

  • Writing Exercises + Feedback! At the end of each lesson, there are writing exercises so you can activate your writing skills, too. And the best part? Our tutors will make corrections and give you feedback.
  • Speaking Exercises! Try to answer the questions in our speaking practice videos and activate what you've learned!
  • NEW: Interactive Quizzes! We've added even more exercises in the form of interactive quizzes.

✔ Guidance from our native German tutors

Learning a language is not a linear process. Sometimes you feel like you’re improving a lot, then one bad experience can make you feel like you’re not getting anywhere. The trick is not to let this discourage you. If you stick with the program, you WILL make tremendous progress.

In our course, you will have access to a community of other participants, Anja and other German teachers who will answer your questions. You will also get support from a group of other passionate German learners, who are more or less at the same level, who have the same interests, who go through the same struggles and victories as you do. This way you keep yourself on track and accountable.

✔ Lifetime Access To Our German Q&A Community

In addition to lifetime access to the materials, you also get lifetime access to our Community with other German language learners. After all, you might have questions about these lessons in the future as well!

We've noticed in past courses how motivating it can be to be in a community with other students. You're not in this alone, and it's fun to share photos, videos, resources, memes and have a place to go to.

✔ Big Review: Get A Certificate Of Completion!

When you complete all units, we will issue you a Certificate of Completion! 

(Disclaimer: this is not an official CEFR certificate validated by German authorities. It's a certificate that we issue to you to show that you have successfully completed our course :) ).

During this review session, you will look back at what you have accomplished and check if the following things have happened (I'm sure they will have):

  • Your listening comprehension will have improved so that you will understand native speakers.

  • You will have learned a lot of vocabulary and chunks that you can use immediately in sentences.

  • You will have the chunks imprinted in your brain and they will roll off your tongue easily in conversations. No more clumsiness, no more guessing!

  •  You will have added a new "German dimension" to your life.

  •  You’ll have created some really solid language learning habits! Weeks and months of consistent learning, immersion, studying with flashcards, listening and binge-watching our videos will have a transformative effect on you.

What our Students say 👩‍🎓

Here's What Our Approach To Learning German Did For Previous Participants!

BONUSES! (included)

We've included awesome bonuses, free for you as a participant in the Course


Sentence Structure Masterclass (€5) 

Upon enrolling in our Course, you will get the recording of Anja's masterclass that'll show you all the ins and outs of German Sentence structure.

This Masterclass was previously sold as a standalone product for €50, but as a Course participant, you get complimentary access to the Masterclass.


Pronunciation Masterclass (€50)

In the Pronunciation Masterclass we will cover things like:

✔ How to pronounce difficult German sounds like “ch”, the “r” and “au/ei/ie” etc.

✔ Getting the German accent right

✔ How to improve your pronunciation every day from your home


Articles Masterclass (€50)

Are the German articles driving you insane? Don't worry, we're going to help you!

We will learn 7 different strategies for remembering the genders of German nouns (der, die, das). Plus, you will get a quiz after each strategy to find out which of the 7 strategies suits you best.


Modal Particles Masterclass (€50)

Most German words can be translated into English without a problem, but modal particles are a challenge because there is no real equivalent for them in English.

In this masterclass, Anja will give you an overview of the German articles and their usage (with exercises!)


4 German Cases Masterclass (€50)

Most German learners struggle to understand the 4 German Cases.

In this masterclass, Anja will give you an overview of the German Cases and their usage (with exercises!)


A copy of all Anja's eBooks! (€30)

You'll get a digital book package with all of Anja’s Books:

✔ Power-Deutsch mit Anja - Eine Reise durch mein Leben (Anja Winter)

✔ The 55 Best German Idioms and the 20 Funniest Word Creations (Anja Winter)


Our Audiobook Course (€247)

You'll get our complete Audiobook Course for your level with 60 exclusive audio dialogues and matching exercises



Use the course forever

60 Lessons

Watch a fun Comedy Series with bite-size pieces of important grammar

60 exclusive Videos

+ downloadable MP3 files and transcriptions

200+ Exercises 

To put into practice what you have learned and test yourself

30-Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

German Beginner (A1) *

"Germany, I'm coming!" Join Katie's journey to Germany and learn German along the way. My comprehensive beginner programme teaches you German through real-life conversations in form of a fun TV show.

PAYMENT PLAN 3 x 132 €

German Pre-Intermediate (A2) *

"My life in Germany" Katie's life in Germany starts and so does yours! Do you understand most of what I say without subtitles? Then you're probably a pre-intermediate and ready for some more advanced real-life conversations. 

PAYMENT PLAN 3 x 132 €

German Intermediate (B1) *

Break through the Intermediate German Plateau with my comprehensive intermediate course that takes you from competent to confident in no time!

PAYMENT PLAN 3 x 132 €

German Upper-Intermediate (B2) *

Become an accomplished and fluent German speaker with my upper intermediate level conversations course. This is the most advanced course we are offering.

PAYMENT PLAN 3 x 132 €

*How do I know which level to pick?

You can simply choose a level you think fits best. In case it still turns out to be too easy/difficult, we'll let you switch levels during the first two weeks.

*What if I want to do 2 or 3 or all 4 levels?

Then you'll get a big discount. You can upgrade for extra levels on the thank you page, right after you enroll.

*Can I add additional levels later?

Yes! And as an alumnus (someone who has already done a level with us), you will always get a special discount if you want to do more levels in our academy. 

More Feedback from our beloved Students 🧑‍🎓

Frequently Asked Questions

One more thing...

After teaching German for so many years, I know how much you can achieve with your German in the next months if you have a clear plan, strategy, the right guidance and good learning materials!

So if you make the decision today to take your German study seriously now, I promise to do everything I can to give you personal help, have tons of fun AND finally get those real-life German conversation skills.

Seriously, there's no need to be overwhelmed by your German studies.

We know having confident conversations in German is possible for you. Now let us help you achieve it!